Quadratics- Equations and Inequations
Learn about Quadratic Equations and Inequalities, which is a part of Algebra. You'll be able to solve quadratic equations and quadratic inequalities with ease after studying this course. Being a mathematics educator for three decades, I have crafted this course to help all students.
You'll learn basic formulas and problem solving here. These types of questions are often asked in SAT exams. So come and join our road map.
The course starts with solving a quadratic equation . You can also solve it by direct factorisation, but what happens if the correct factors don't click in your mind. You are introduced to the basic formula to find the roots of a quadratic equation.
What happens if the given equation is not quadratic? The trick here lies in converting it to a quadratic, solving it and then substituting back. Moving on, you'll learn about the discriminant and using the discriminant to determine the nature of the roots of a quadratic.
 You will learn how to calculate the nature of the roots of a quadratic equation. Next, you'll move on to properties about the sum and product of the roots of a quadratic equation. This concept is used a lot in problem solving.
Last, but not the least, you'll be introduced to quadratic inequalities and how to solve them. You'll also learn how these are used in Calculus to check if a function is increasing or decreasing. This concept of increasing and decreasing functions is also used in Economics.
Bonus: Learn Linear Programming, an integral part of Statistics
Learn how to apply Linear Programming to Transportation Problems, an introduction to Operation Research.
I have provided a link to my Udemy course. Feel free to check out my coupons for additional discounts.